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Now before we go on and explore concepts of what surrounds us, why and how it works...
I’d like the explore the question of why we’re able to discover these concepts in the first place ?
Humans as self-conscious beings have the uncanny ability to poke into the under-working of nature and determine to a fantastic accuracy laws which it abides and follows in Classical Mechanics (Laws of motion, Newtonian Gravity, Work, Energy etc.).
However what is it that gives human(s) this uncanny ability to predict and construct these laws?To answer this I’d like to put forth the concept of an “Atomic life force”. Now this is not a rip off from works of science fiction but its radical nevertheless. Read through and make judgments on it for yourself.
Evolution most would say has resulted in our derivation from apes into complex beings capable of abstract and refined reasoning. So this itself may be reasoning enough to justify the superior nose poking skills humans have. But I’d like to probe further.
Now for all those who’ve undergone a formal course in chemistry, atomic bonding is a familiar concept. For all those who haven’t it’s not much of a deal anyway. Atoms have a certain amounts of +ve charge(protons) and –ve charge(electrons) in terms of electromagnetic forces. If an atom has an excessive or a lesser amount of amount of electrons (-ve charge cloud) it becomes unstable. A certain amount of negative charge is just right for it to settle down, as it can then be equivalent to the positively charged protons at the center of the atoms. Then they both cancel out each other’s destabilizing effects arising due to electromagnetic forces. The methods by which they do this are simple too. Some atoms share if having an incomplete amount of electrons bond and settle down(covalent bond). Some trade off or transfer electrons to achieve stability as a molecule(ionic bond) . Some steal or plunder the electrons through force of attraction ( hydrogen bond, london forces ).
I’d like the explore the question of why we’re able to discover these concepts in the first place ?
Humans as self-conscious beings have the uncanny ability to poke into the under-working of nature and determine to a fantastic accuracy laws which it abides and follows in Classical Mechanics (Laws of motion, Newtonian Gravity, Work, Energy etc.).
However what is it that gives human(s) this uncanny ability to predict and construct these laws?To answer this I’d like to put forth the concept of an “Atomic life force”. Now this is not a rip off from works of science fiction but its radical nevertheless. Read through and make judgments on it for yourself.
Evolution most would say has resulted in our derivation from apes into complex beings capable of abstract and refined reasoning. So this itself may be reasoning enough to justify the superior nose poking skills humans have. But I’d like to probe further.
Now for all those who’ve undergone a formal course in chemistry, atomic bonding is a familiar concept. For all those who haven’t it’s not much of a deal anyway. Atoms have a certain amounts of +ve charge(protons) and –ve charge(electrons) in terms of electromagnetic forces. If an atom has an excessive or a lesser amount of amount of electrons (-ve charge cloud) it becomes unstable. A certain amount of negative charge is just right for it to settle down, as it can then be equivalent to the positively charged protons at the center of the atoms. Then they both cancel out each other’s destabilizing effects arising due to electromagnetic forces. The methods by which they do this are simple too. Some atoms share if having an incomplete amount of electrons bond and settle down(covalent bond). Some trade off or transfer electrons to achieve stability as a molecule(ionic bond) . Some steal or plunder the electrons through force of attraction ( hydrogen bond, london forces ).
This I find is analogous to all regular cellular instincts and elementary human behavior . If resources are incomplete or in lacking, make a colony and share . If resources are in excess then tradeoff this for something that is lacking. In case of predatory or parasitic organisms, plunder resources wherever found. Thereby achieving stability and settling down seeming to be the ulterior motive in each case. Opposites attract is true in the case of properties of Atoms and Humans too.
What I’m coming to say is, as we understand the nature of what comprises us better, we realize that our basic actions and instincts are similar to the properties of the fundamental entities that make us up. Atoms make up molecules, which make up compounds ->Genes->Nucleus->Cells->Tissues->Collection of tissues->Organs->humans. Irrespective of any organism some basic features of atomic behavior exhibits itself at macro levels. This if extended to inanimate matter also seems true as anything composed of matter exhibits the characteristics of the fundamental entities in larger scales. Gene :: Organisms as Atoms :: Matter !
Any atom you take somehow seems to know what it needs to do to become stable and settle down (in organisms this is similar to the gene function). In a nutshell Atoms themselves are basic entities of life and seem to have An “ATOMIC LIFE FORCE” embedded within it that expresses itself beginning from the most simplest of life forms.
1.Plastic 2.Metal 3.Earth and its minerals .
- 1.Plastic: Of human making, composed of petroleum products. Petroleum is composed of what once was living sea and tree matter. Supports human life in numerous ways now. (therefore once living )
- 2.Metals: Have precise features and properties to which they abide. They are required by living organisms for cellular function at various levels. The Iron needed for hemoglobin, Zinc needed for enzymes,(thereby supporting life)etc. I’d further go ahead and say that, assumed some extremely exotic conditions even metals may have the ability to make up life (maybe not as complex but it’s anyone’s guess).
- 3.Earth : Gas molecules, Sand, Water, Minerals and Compounds etc. that make up this planet support life on it, by providing these living entities exactly what they require to survive and sustain .
Somehow these atoms know what they need to do, to provide organisms with extra biological inputs to sustain.Duh! Certainly not, they don’t have a conscience, you may say. But Its obvious to me at this point that INTELLIGENT LIFE can be considered as one of the latter stages in the development / evolution of the entire Cosmos itself and that atoms have an embedded “Atomic Life force” that seems to drive this development. That certainly answers the fact that the actual nature of our reasoning lies at the heart of the attributes of fundamental entities. Considering this, it may not be surprising at all to find Extraterrestrial life (or find them on wikileaks.org) . As they begin questioning the Nature of the Cosmos and its fundamentals, we probably being one of them.
Kindly Leave comments as to how clear the presented concept is .
Thanks in anticipation.
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